The iPhone 4S and Siri have now experienced life outside the sacred, vaulted halls of Cupertino for one week, and the reviews from consumers and tech pundits alike are almost universally positive. Early impressions seem to indicate that Siri might not herald a complete revolution in mobile computing, but it’s certainly a very cool addition that works a lot better than expected.
Except… there’s still that niggling issue with using Siri the virtual assistant in a public place. Sure, there are plenty of videos of people using Siri while surrounded by giggling, jealous friends, where Siri is the highlight of the show and it’s actually cool to talk to your phone — but so far, there are scant few reports of what it feels like to use Siri while walking down a street… because no one dares do it.
In reality, unless Apple yet again changes the very fabric of society, Siri will primarily be used when you’re at home or in the office, either alone or surrounded by close friends and family. Now, Siri is almost certainly coming to the iPad 3 (or perhaps the iPad 2, when Siri leaves beta testing), but get this: Isn’t there another computer that we regularly interact with while at home or in the office? A laptop or desktop, perhaps?
Fix #1: Delete Your Siri Preferences. One of the reasons why Siri doesn’t work on MacBook Air is a corrupted.plist file. The.plist file contains all the settings and preferences associated with the Siri app. To reset Siri’s preferences, follow the steps below: Quit the Siri app. Disable Siri from System Preferences by unchecking Enable. Siri 4mac is the port of siri to mac os x is completely offline and will offer basic commands Siri 4Mac will bring the basic experience of siri to the mac, will include all commands siri for iPhone 4s has, and also, some custom commands created to get the most from Mac’s features.
- Siri is the marquee feature in Apple’s next operating system for the Mac, macOS Sierra. Yes, Siri: Apple’s voice interface that was introduced nearly five years ago on the iPhone (and was a.
- Free siri download for mac. System Tools downloads - Siri by Diabolisch Dev Team and many more programs are available for instant and free download.
- Use Siri on your Mac. Siri on your Mac can help you with everyday tasks, get quick answers and information, play music, and more. You can ask Siri so many things—from “Set up a meeting at 9” to “What was the score for last night’s game?” Siri is there to help. Siri can make suggestions in some apps even before you ask.
Just imagine if Siri ran on your Mac OS X computer. OS X Siri would work almost exactly like her iOS sister, but because background noise would be less of a concern she might be voice- rather than button-activated. Functionality-wise, imagine the possibilities:
“Siri, search for some flight deals to London and pop up a tab when you’ve found something.”
“Siri, start downloading my usual Tuesday TV shows.”

“What song is currently playing, Siri?”
“Quick, Siri, take a photo!”
And so on. OS X Siri would work as flawlessly as iOS Siri, but it would simply be faster, more accurate, and capable of carrying out far more actions. You wouldn’t have to worry about cellular coverage, either.
So where is Siri for Mac OS X? Well, here’s the good news: it’s almost guaranteed to appear in a future version of OS X. It might debut with OS X Lynx (or whatever 10.8 is called), or it might even ferry in OS 11, if Apple ever decides to move on from OS X. Siri for iOS isn’t revolutionary because we’re still inexorably tied to our laptop and desktop computers — but Siri for OS X… well, that could just be the first step towards a Star Trek-like “computer.”
Of course, for voice controls to really revolutionize computing, Microsoft would have to get on board and bring Siri-like functionality to the other 95% of consumers. On the other hand, though, it seems too late for inclusion in Windows 8 — and by the time Windows 9 rolls around in three years, consumers might have already moved on to the voice-commanded OS X. Maybe Siri for OS X is exactly what Apple needs to grab another large chunk of market share; perhaps Siri for OS X is the next iPod or iPhone.
Siri Remote For Mac
Read more about Siri, the iPhone 4S, and iOS 5
Siri, Apple’s intelligent assistant, is quite helpful in performing simple tasks, answering questions, giving recommendations, and finding information. This personal virtual assistant was first introduced in 2011 and is now a vital part of every Apple device.
Some of the tasks Siri can help you with include:
- Making calls
- Changing device settings
- Searching the internet for information
- Sending messages
- Making restaurant or movie reservations
- Making simple mathematical computations
- Creating reminders
- Downloading apps
- Playing music and looking up songs
- Setting up calendar events
- Calculating travel time
- Getting traffic data

There is so much that Siri can do, and this has given huge convenience to Apple users. To use Siri, users just need to say “Hey Siri” to activate the virtual assistant. You can also create a shortcut on your Mac to quickly bring up Siri.
There have been recent reports, though, saying that “Hey Siri” stopped working on MacBook Air. For some users, only the “Hey Siri” command is not working, but other aspects of Siri are working and the AI can still recognize commands. For other users, though, Siri doesn’t work completely on MacBook Air.
This problem has been reported to occur mostly on macOS devices, and some affected users noted that Siri had stopped working on MacBook Air after upgrading to macOS Mojave.

Why Is Siri Not Working on MacBook Air?
This error has been reported just recently, and although there have been several reports of the issue, Apple has yet to comment on it or release an update to fix it.
If the error happened after upgrading to Mojave, it is possible that Siri has some compatibility issues with the new macOS. If this is the case, all you have to do is wait for the update from Apple that includes the fix for this problem. As to when this will be released, only Apple knows.
It is also possible for other factors, such as corrupted preferences, malware infection, or incorrect Siri settings, to be in play. If Siri went wonky due to these reasons, you can follow our recommended solutions below.
But before you do, make sure you eliminate other elements that could be contributing to the problem. Scan your Mac for malware infection and get rid of the infected files and apps. You should also delete all junk files that clutter your system using an app such as Tweakbit MacRepair. Once these preparations have been completed, you can then start troubleshooting Siri.
How to Get Siri to Work on MacBook Air
Before we proceed with the solutions, you have to make sure first that you have Siri enabled on your Mac. It won’t work if it hasn’t been turned on in the first place.

To enable Siri on macOS, follow the steps below:
- Click the Apple menu at the upper-left corner of the screen, then choose System Preferences from the dropdown options.
- Click on Siri, then tick off Enable Talk to Siri. If the box has already been ticked off, you can check the other settings to make sure they’re working fine.
- Choose the language you want to use, then select your preferred Siri Voice.
- Turn off Voice Feedback if you don’t want Siri to talk.
- Choose your Mic input. You can try different mics to ensure your voice is registered.
- Close the window and try saying “Hey Siri!” to check if Siri is responding. You can also type in your commands if you prefer not to speak.
Take note that Siri does not respond to “Hey Siri” commands when the lid is closed. It also doesn’t work when the screen is locked and the option Allow Siri when locked is turned off.
After confirming that Siri is enabled on your Mac and the “Hey Siri” command is still not working, you can try any of the troubleshooting methods below.
Fix #1: Delete Your Siri Preferences.
One of the reasons why Siri doesn’t work on MacBook Air is a corrupted .plist file. The .plist file contains all the settings and preferences associated with the Siri app. To reset Siri’s preferences, follow the steps below:
- Quit the Siri app.
- Disable Siri from System Preferences by unchecking Enable Talk to Siri.
- Open Finder, then navigate to the Preferences folder by holding Option, then clicking Go > Library.
- In the Preferences folder, delete all .plist files with Siri in their filename.
- Re-enable Siri under System Preferences to generate a new .plist file.
Once the preferences have been reset, try saying a voice command to see if Siri is now back to normal.
Fix #2: Check Siri’s Parental Controls.
Another reason why Siri is not working on MacBook Air is because dictation has been turned off for the virtual assistant app. To check Siri’s Parental Controls, follow these instructions:
- Click the Apple menu, then head over to System Preferences > Parental Controls.
- Click on Other.
- Check whether Turn off Siri & Dictation is ticked off.
If it is, then that explains why Siri is not working on your Mac. If the option is not selected, then Siri going wonky can be attributed to something else.

Fix #3: Try a Different Microphone.
Siri For Mac Os X
When setting up Siri for the first time, you’ll be asked to choose which microphone to use. You have the option to use your Mac’s internal microphone, which is the default. But if your Mac’s internal mic doesn’t seem to work with Siri, you can use an external microphone instead. Just go to the Apple menu > System Preferences > Siri and choose a different Mic Input option.
You should also check your Mac’s sound levels by clicking Sound under System Preferences and ensuring all input levels are maxed.
Hey Siri For Mac
Siri makes our lives so much easier. Aside from providing users with much-needed information, Siri can also complete a multitude of tasks, such as calling contacts and sending out emails. The Hey Siri voice command also allows hands-free access, which is a huge help when you’re away from your Mac, when you’re having your nails done, and during other scenarios when you can’t type in a command. Just say “Hey Siri” and you can get your personal virtual assistant to do your bidding.
If for some reason, Siri is not registering your Hey Siri command or is not working on your MacBook, simply follow the troubleshooting steps above to fix the problem.
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